the round table
Very Special Friends
While everyone on this web site was a special friend, there are a few that stand out as very special friends. These people were part of my parents' lives at every turn. They shared holidays with us, they shared their troubles, and they shared their joys.
Steve Draun first came into our lives in 1970. My Dad often talked about Steve and admired his work. I think my Dad always thought of him as a son.
He was the first one I thought of to give some of my Dad's books to. And he was the first one I told about the web site.
True to form, he has adopted it as "his" web site and the added perspective has proven to be invaluable to me. He spent a lot of time editing the videos and condensing the audio files to make them useful on the web.
Steve will always remain dear to my heart, even though we don't always agree on computer stuff!
More Special Friends
Little Red House Guests